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Back to School Routine

School supplies, meet the new teacher, new schedules, and clothes shopping can be an exciting time for kiddos when approaching the school year. Unfortunately, it could also lead to stress and frustrations. As families get settled into the new school year, it is both beneficial and important to have a weekly routine for families. Having a weekly routine can help decrease stress and place consistency, family, relationship, building, and structure for young minds. Below are some tips on creating your weekly evening routine.

Have a designated location for backpacks and homework time. Creating a space where kiddos are able to focus on their schoolwork can help with the transition to completing homework.

Have a family ritual. This could include sitting at the table together for dinner, checking in on family members each day, a weekly game night, or some form of ritual that can bring the family together.

Having a bedtime routine. This is not only for kiddos. Adults can benefit from having a nightly routine that helps them transition to sleep in a more effective and relaxing way. This could include skin care routine, showering before bed, reading a book, or any tasks that are done before bed in a consistent order. 

Have a mental health check in. By checking in with yourself on a daily basis, it can help identify and validate, stressors, and feelings that occurred throughout the day. It also provides mindfulness and awareness of needs.

Here is an example of an after school routine that has flexibility on timeframe: 

     – Children come home from school and go through their book bags at the dinner/study table and complete homework.

     – Family sits at the dinner table for supper and reflect on their day together.

     – Free time to unwind from the day like games or movie.

     – Family members start their nighttime routine with brushing teeth, putting on pajamas, mindfulness, check-ins, or reading a book.

     – For the kiddos, they are in bed by designated bedtime.